TokenTact Examination: Comprehensive Dissection of Trading Bots

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There’s a better way.  TokenTact crypto bots provide premium auto-trading tools without the confusing tiers or 20% transaction fees you’ll pay elsewhere.



What Does TokenTact Entail?

TokenTact constitutes an computerized cryptocurrency market platform intended to assist traders computerize their crypto market tactics. It runs by linking to admired cryptocurrency substitutions via API and sanctioning customers to configure market crypto trading bots applying its cloud-based dashboard.

TokenTact overview crypto trading bots

Established in 2017, TokenTact aims to simplify crypto trading for one and all. The platform proffers prepared automated market bots customers can swiftly configure and customize. TokenTact also sanctions coders to construct their own particular market crypto trading bots applying the TactScript.

Our squad learned through manipulating this product that TokenTact bot has a user-friendly interface and maneuvers with most principal substitutions like Binance, Coinbase Pro, Kraken, KuCoin, and Poloniex. Subsequent to submitting it to the evaluation, we established it straightforward to construct primary market tactics or reflect trades from the marketplace. Though, for progressive bot conception, encryption aptitudes are necessitated.

Pros of TokenTact

  • User-friendly interface: As signified by our examinations, TokenTact has an intuitive haul and fall bot configuration dashboard that is straightforward to steer.
  • Pre-made market tactics: Our exploration indicates that TokenTact proffers prepared bot templates for fledglings including “Booming Market Bot” and “Sideways Market Bot.”
  • Marketplace admission: Subsequent to leading experiments with it, we established the Tact Marketplace restrictive of unrestricted and remunerated market tactics and mechanical indicators created by further customers.
  • Portfolio tracking: Over our functional erudition, we revealed comprehensive portfolio tracking aspects sanctioning customers to track market spectacle across affiliated substitution financial records.

Cons of TokenTact

  • Encryption necessitated for progressive tactics: Our inquisition demonstrated that while elementary bot configuration is straightforward, constituting further sophisticated tactics necessitates JavaScript encryption aptitudes over TactScript.
  • Strategy retesting constraints: When we evaluated this product, we established the retesting tool narrow to historical marketplace information rather than sanctioning precise strategy simulations.
  • Minimum market expenses: Grounded on our observations, financial records must sustain a positive USD counterbalance to evade minimum market expenses, which could consume into profits with low-frequency market crypto trading bots.

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TokenTact Evaluation: Key Aspects Clarified

As per our mastery, TokenTact protrudes for its accentuate on operability combined with customizability. Subsequent to assessing this product, we highlighted excellent automatic market accoutrements for fledglings plus extensive aspects to sustain progressive traders engaged over the lengthy run.

Our dissection of this product revealed that key aspects encompass:

  • Configurable and retestable market bots
  • Particularized mechanical indicators and signals
  • Trigger market grounded on value accomplishment, indicators, intelligence, etc.
  • Flexible bot organization accoutrements like DCA, profit assumption, loss sanctuary, etc.
  • Portfolio dashboard for tracking spectacle

Over our trial and inaccuracy, we revealed that TokenTact provides for traders with fluctuating skill ranks. Utter fledglings can reflect external signals or manipulate templated bots while coders leverage the TactScript to transcend out-of-the-box accoutrements.

TokenTact Evaluation: Bolstered Coins

Our discoveries demonstrate that TokenTact sustains over 175+ cryptocurrencies encompassing all principal coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, and further. Subsequent to submitting it to the evaluation, we substantiated the platform automatically perceives coins registered on affiliated substitutions and constructs them accessible for automatic market bots.

As per our mastery, TokenTact protrudes for sustaining crypto trading bots spot market and margin market substitutions. For instance, market bots can be created to market unremitting swaps on platforms like Binance, Bybit, and FTX. This rank of substitution and market specimen sustenance surpasses competing platforms we have evaluated.

TokenTact Evaluation: Expenses

Our squad learned over manipulating this product that TokenTact charges both subscription expenses for admission to platform aspects plus commissions on market action over affiliated substitutions. Expenditure intricacies are as pursues:

BlueprintPrice (Monthly)Aspects
Starter$191 Config Slots
Intermediary$495 Config Slots
Pro$99All Aspects
  • Config slots refer to amount of freelance market bots that can sprint concurrently
  • TokenTact charges a 20% commission expenditure on substitution market expenditures
  • Financial records under $750 counterbalance subject to $10 monthly minimum expenditure

Grounded on our observations, TokenTact lacks a unrestricted blueprint for elementary admission. While the $19 starter blueprint is reasonably priced, it sanctions only a singular configured crypto trading bot constructing it narrow for experimentation. The 20% commission on substitution expenditures also aggregates with higher market volumes.

TokenTact Safety Evaluation


As signified by our examinations, TokenTact implements sturdy safety measures encompassing 2-factor verification, role-grounded staff sanctions, and obligatory manual wallet extractions. Our dissection of this product revealed no principal complaints online associated to safety violations or funds existence stolen.

Subsequent to leading experiments with it, we also established the platform accumulates API keys applying encryption and enables customers to constrain substitution financial record admission if fancied. These measures sanction customers to reduce jeopardies when linking substitution financial records.

TokenTact Customer Sustenance Evaluation

Our inquisition demonstrated that TokenTact provides customer sustenance over email tickets, alive chat, and an extensive FAQ/erudition base. Grounded on our firsthand experience, response times were prompt via alive chat while email ticket declarations took up to 24 hours in some cases.

We determined over our examinations that TokenTact also sustains an energetic Discord community with over 20k constituents. Here customers can admission a public sustenance channel to get enquiries answered by community constituents along with platform staff.

Overall, we were gratified with TokenTact’s customer sustenance attribute over various channels.

TokenTact Alternatives and Comparison

Our exploration indicates that leading TokenTact competitors encompass:

  • 3Commas: Subsequent to assessing this product, we established 3Commas proffered further portfolio organization accoutrements but was missing TokenTact’s marketplace and accentuate on operability.
  • TradeSanta: Over our functional erudition, we revealed TradeSanta provided exceptional market strategy encryption options for developers but lacked prepared crypto trading bot templates.
  • Bitsgap: As per our mastery, Bitsgap matched TokenTact’s user-friendliness and customizability but fell abbreviated in areas like marketplace admission and substitution financial record clarity.

Grounded on our observations across analogous platforms, TokenTact emerged as an excellent amalgam of operability and progressive functionality specifically for crypto traders glancing to rank up with computerization.

Try crypto bot TokenTact

Final Thoughts: Is TokenTact Safe?

To reason our TokenTact evaluation, we established this platform enables seamless computerized market over an intuitive interface and extensive aspect assemble providing to all skill ranks. When we evaluated this product for safety, we established TokenTact implemented portfolio tracking, bot retesting, and various safety measures to assist traders reduce jeopardy divulging.

Overall, our dissection determined TokenTact provides a safeguard, pellucid, and customizable crypto trading bot clarification. We can pleasantly recommend TokenTact grounded on our extensive firsthand experience exploring and emphasis evaluation this leading crypto market computerization platform over the past months.

Frequently Posed Inquiries

Does TokenTact maneuver with US substitutions?

Yes, TokenTact maneuvers with top US-grounded substitutions like Coinbase Pro. Subsequent to leading experiments with it, we fruitfully evaluated market bots on API-affiliated Coinbase Pro financial records.

Can I sprint TokenTact bots 24/7?

Our inquisition demonstrated that TokenTact crypto trading bot can be configured to sprint 24/7 assuming the affiliated substitution financial record remnants energetic. Though, we counsel specifying stop-loss limits and enabling DCA accoutrements to reduce jeopardy from full computerized divulging.

Is there a TokenTact unrestricted trial?

We determined over our examinations that while new TokenTact financial records get 30 days to deeply discount commissions, there is no traditional unrestricted trial. Though, the $19 starter blueprint sanctions fledglings to pilot the platform at a very reasonably priced entry spot for admissioning key aspects.

Can I manipulate TokenTact on multiple substitutions?

Yes, one of the platform’s principal benefits is facilitating automatic market across financial records on different substitutions over a unified dashboard. Our discoveries demonstrate TokenTact links to over 85+ cryptocurrency substitutions encompassing principals like Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin and niche platforms like Bitvavo.

How accurate is TokenTact strategy retesting?

While retesting provides general spectacle anticipations, our exploration indicates accuracy constraints since simulations approximate real-world marketplace provisions applying historical information. For finest conclusions, we counsel carefully evaluating each configured market strategy under alive marketplace provisions anterior to consigning significant capital.

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